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Johnson Lake

Important Links

Johnson Lake Information

  • Johnson Lake EMS

    Whether visiting or living at the lake, you can feel safe knowing the Johnson Lake EMS is standing by, ready to assist you, if you should ever need our services.

  • Johnson Lake does not have tornado sirens. Please update a weather app that will alert you when adverse weather conditions are forecasted for our area.

  • Johnson Lake Flying Service
    The Johnson Lake Airport offers a grass runway and public tie-downs. Park your plane within three hundred feet of Johnson Lake. A concrete runway at Lexington is just 10 miles north of Johnson Lake.

  • Johnson Lake Sanitary & Improvement District (SID#1) and Lake Info

    (308) 785-2353

Informational Websites

Become a member today!

  • Johnson Lake Chamber Benefits 
  • Business Referrals
  • Activities, Special Events & Promotions
  • Membership Directory
  • Marketing Opportunities
  • Events Calendar
  • Link to Lake Issues
  • Business After Hours